Building Minds
In line with our objectives, SLD has established a field office in Kapashera, New Delhi. Noted as one of the largest industrial hubs of the country, this area attracts millions of migrant workers, especially those seeking work in the Garment Sector or as Domestic Workers. In order to make the lives of these workers a little better, SLD has established a Workers Cafe, which is an arts-based community resource centre. It allows workers to explore their creative sides and thereby also helps them relax and recuperate. A part of this cafe is the Community Library that we have established. Towards this, we solicit your kind support to strengthen the content of the library, thereby enabling learning for not only the workers, but also their wards.
We require the following items;
1.Course books from classes 1 to 10.
2.Nursery and Kindergarten story books
3.Fiction and Non-Fiction books
4.Drawing and Sketch books
1.Pens, pencils, colour pencils, sketch pens, crayons, etc.
2.Black/White boards
3.Water Colours
In case of any queries or concerns, kindly reach out to Ms. Puja Mandal at puja@sld-india.org
You may send in your donations in kind to:
A 24(First Floor, Rear Portion), Gulmohar Park
New Delhi, India - 110049
For Monetary donations, Click here