Case Studies
“SLD has helped me gain understanding about new things- like women’s position in the society. By attending gender training, I have understood women’s power and strength. Women are equal to men and can become self-sufficient if they take charge of their lives”
— A participant in a Gender training in Faridabad, Haryana
“Relief kit provided to me by SLD helped me during the difficult times of COVID. We came back to Kanpur from Delhi/NCR because we lost our jobs during the period of the lockdown.”
— Prema, a garment worker who was working in Delhi/NCR
“Forming groups have helped us talk and share our personal issues with other like-minded people. We can talk freely about our families, work problems, and other issues we face in our everyday lives which were not possible earlier. We didn’t have the space to do so. Now things are very different.”
— Sushila Ben, a sea food processing industry worker in Veraval, Gujarat
“I am able to step out of my home and attend such gatherings for the first time. I have been exposed to such organized meetings for the first time in my life.”
— A woman garment worker in a Leadership Training in Kanpur.