Through its presence across seven states in the country, SLD has touched the lives of around 10000 workers employed in different sectors of the economy, of which 75% are women.
Gender, leadership and behavioural training, orientation on labour laws, education on labour welfare schemes and measures, awareness of GBVH in the workplace, and group concepts through participatory approach were imparted to 4500 beneficiaries in the last five years.
With the objective to promote a platform for informal interaction, recreation, and bonding among women garment workers, preferably after work or on Sundays, SLD initiated the Café concept called the ‘Women’s Café’ which was first piloted in Faridabad.
To develop a comprehensive strategy addressing issues of both source and destination sites, SLD initiated the programme on Inter-state Migration (ISM). It has promoted the development of an Inter-State Migration Alliance (IMA) since 2015 and is currently working with partners in Uttar Pradesh.
SLD’s thrust on women workers and manifestations of GBVH across the workplace spectrum is commendable. SLD has been working on gender-based violence in different sectors for almost a decade now. Through its robust mobilization strategy, SLD has impacted the lives of domestic workers, garment workers, leather workers, and seafood processing industry workers by fostering awareness, forming collectives and connecting them with our network partners.
Fostered nine collaborations, organized multi-stakeholder consultations with supplier factories to facilitate an enabling environment towards creating safer workplaces for women workers from 2017 onwards. Building networks with like-minded progressive organizations for discussion, deliberation, dialogue and support for workers’ cause.
COVID-19: Distributed relief distribution kits to around 5000 workers from across sectors during COVID-19 who suffered job loss, wage loss, terminations during the period of the lockdown.
Enabling and supporting solutions to multiple workers’ cases through legal aid clinics. Engaged in conducting action research to document the impact of COVID-19 on garment workers, domestic workers, and leather workers. The findings of this research have been used as major tools for advocacy.